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* Come to your lesson in   comfortable clothes 

 AVOID baggy sweatshirts   as  it is essential to see the   movement of your   diaphragm and body   posture as you're going   through the breathing   and vocal exercises 

Please Note 

* Every effort should be     made to show up to your   lesson on time. 





​Vocal Coaching 

 live & Online classes 

Vidamuzic is a vocal coaching and artist development business. We specialize in assisting students based on their unique individual needs. 

Our program is  fun and educational, it is designed to develop the artist's hidden artistic and creative talents. here we work with all styles and genres and help students develop their individual  unique signature that sets them apart from the rest.

The training provided at Vidamuzic has been proven to work over and over again throughout the years . The founder, Claudia Perez, created Vidamuzic Techniques to help address vocalists  vocal issues and it has been successful. The program comes with a chart the student needs to fill out daily, a stopwatch to keep real-time results, and access to its gadgets on the website. to help the students accomplish their daily exercise routines even when theyre not in class 

During their assigned exercises, factual data sheets allow clients to see results; we also have a program specifically tailored for rappers and R&B singers called RAPVOX, where we prepare rappers and vocalists of all genres. This program's foundation is proper breathing, which gives them the ability to sustain the right tone and projection during their vocal performance. It also teaches them to find the right character for the song or rap they want to perform. Vidamuzic provides extensive vocal training, songwriting workshops, music production, and a stage moves program, preparing our artists for their studio, live shows, and video performances. schedule a session, click here 

Vocal Coaching for Adults

Styles: All

Skill Level: Beginner/Advanced/Professional

At Vidamuzic, we can develop you not only vocally, but as a professional performing recording artist. We have over 15 years of experience in the industry and can teach you what you need to know to help you reach your goals. We will teach you how to vocally bring out that character on the songs you write but, more importantly, how to find it on your own. this program consist of proper breathing techniques for singing,  strengthening your diaphragm, finding your authentic sound, learning how to harmonize, and the three different vocal performances you will need to know live performance, Studio Recording, and Video Performance 

Children Vocal Coaching 

Styles: All - Skill Level: - Beginners to advanced

Young Children have the ability to learn and retain through play! & fun

Our children love to perform on the mic, sing their favorite songs, and have fun.  We incorporate songs that teach them healthy singing techniques and support, musical intervals, and foundations to build confidence and singing skills for life.

We encourage them to bring their own favorite songs to work with along with a standard set of our songs we tailor a program specifically for their vocal needs.

​Vocal Coaching Services for teens  

Styles: All - Skill Level: - Beginners to advanced

Your teenager can build confidence in singing for life.The teenage years can be the ones where they develop vocal damage or lose confidence with their voice. We help them by exploring their dreams, learning to sing like their idols, try new things, and expressing themselves creatively! Until they find their unique sound

We provide various opportunities to share their voice in a way that suits them –from recordings of their favorite songs to producing their

We monitor their voices closely during these crucial years of growth and development to ensure they develop correct technique and healthy voices for life.

Online One on One individualized Classes

available for all levels.

Please contact us to schedule your session

Styles: All - Skill Level: - Beginners to advanced

Vidamuzic is offering Online classes to those who are not able to attend the live sessions. Whether you can't make it on time and need to stay home ​to do your lesson or if you live out of the area, this is a perfect way to keep on top of your goal. Vidamuzic works with some of the most innovative software available today. We are fully operational online and can help you achieve your goals right from the comfort of your home with the assistance of an instructor. Please contact us to schedule your private one on one session tailored for your specific needs.  Now you will never have to miss your class; you can connect to the online course on your computer, your tablet, or your phone. Please contact us for more information. 

Vocal Techniques for  

Hip Hop Rappers & REGGAETON 

English & Spanish Rap Vocal Techniques

All Levels

If you're interested in taking your craft to the next level, you've come to the right place.

We offer a Vocal coaching program for rappers. In this program, we focus on breathing techniques and the development of vocal performance live and in the studio; these sessions guarantee an improvement in your diction, range, and projection. Also, we help in revising your recording before the final recording to assist and guide you to deliver the best performance possible to contact us, please

Stage Choreography and Artist development 

Beginners to Advanced 

*Stage presence and Artistic Development

* Stage Microphone Techniques

*Performance Visual strategy

*Stage Choreography

​*How to work the stage

*How to Command your audience's attention

In Studio Microphone Techniques 

Alls Levels

 *Recording in the studio requires skill. Depending on the song and style of your music, it is essential to know how you can use the mic.  One of the things that need consideration during a recording is the required distance between the mic and you to deliver the right performance.

* If you are singing in the full voice, your distance from the mic has to be more than when your singing in a light, breathy manner. 

* Each track you record has to be consistent with the distanced tone and power when doing leads. The same goes for laying down background vocals that are light and breathy. Sometimes these may vary depending on the effect you want to create on the song and the style of music. 

Our in-studio microphone techniques will help you achieve a better sounding product. and will also save time in endless

Songwriting Workshops 

All Levels

At Vidamuzic, we will help you unleash your creativity. 

Learn how to create songs from beginning to end.  This workshop has three parts Structure, Melody, and Lyrics.

Also, you will learn about copywriting your song and all the different ways you can benefit as a songwriter, whether you are writing for yourself or another artist.

Artist Websites 

Three page Web design

Pictures Music & Video Integration & Store

To Book A session Contact Us


Vidamuzic's Blog!

Vocal Health

We’ve loved every minute of our journey

 At Vidamuzic, Breathing properly for singing is an essential element. It is the core of it all. Proper breathing is vital to achieving the best results in sound, tone, vocal range, and power.  We often come across vocalists and aspiring artists who have previously trained in other venues, Some wondering why they have limitations or undesirable tone quality changes after weeks, months, or even years of diligent practice.  Sometimes the answer lies in the much-overlooked vocal component, the pharynx, and the understanding of vocal registers.  These are some of the things you will learn to master at Vidamuzic.

We look forward to being able to help you accomplish your goals.

To schedule, your appointment, click here

Strengthening your diaphragm !

Learning how to condition and properly use the diaphragm can make a huge difference.   Each and every tone we create is carried out on the airflow of our breath, the more control you have over the airflow the more control you will have over your singing tone.

Vidamuzic incorporates  Breathing Techniques  and diaphragm  strengthening exercises in her vocal techniques program.  you will  easily learn and see results in as little as 2 weeks .

Hydration For the Voice 

WATER -"Drink plenty of water throughout the day !  Did you know that the more  fluids you drink the better your voice will sound? a way to detect whether your voice has received the hydration it needs is to keep an eye on the color of your pee if its not clear your voice is not hydrated.

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